Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome Note From Me

Hi guys, this blog i dedicated to all who is fallin in love. I choose so many love songs to be written in this blog.

But sorry guys, it's just lyrics ,biography and some of my comment.There is no link for songs download.You must buy the original CD, just in case to avoid copyright act from the original artist and also to avoid piracy.

Ok have fun, and hope love will be around you everywhere, everyday and everytime.


  1. Hi sis.... ^_^
    Thx a lot y....
    Jadi bisa nyanyi tanpa tkt salah lyric dech..

  2. ko sis ^^, nice blog

    haha..sekarang gak pusing lagi dah,mau nyari lagu yang theme love song ^^

    thank u ko sis,

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